Monday, January 17, 2011

Chapter 2: Dating 101

Luckily for me she thought I was funny. I was glad because to see her smile was like witnessing a miracle of some sorts. I know its cheesy that's why I said it. After a few exchanges of LOL's we decided to swap numbers. This is the first obstacle a man must overcome when pursuing the opposite sex. But even when we get the number we don't know what to do with it. “How long should I wait?” If you call to early you may seem to eager, if you give it a day or two, she may think you didn't find her interesting enough to call sooner. Here's a hint, depending on when you get the number say for instance in the afternoon call her that night, before bed even let her know you were thinking about her. Believe me she will appreciate it.

Back to the story...

Dates are like interviews point blank, but there is really one great difference, DO NOT LIE on your first date. I know on interviews we often stretch the truth to get that dream job, but lying to get that dream woman never works. She'll find out and then she'll begin to think what else have you lied about.

Our first date was the typical dinner date, but I'm fine with that, I like to think a great date is more about the person and the conversation than what the two people did on the date. Anyway on our date, we went through conversation 101, you know, “where you from” “oh whats it like out there” “have any brothers and sisters,” (actually that's a good question you can find out a lot about a person depending on if they have siblings or are an only child, your compatibility may depend on it). Then you ask what do they like to do, men ask questions, it shows you are interested and not self centered, but remember to listen to her response because if you don't then the asking part was a waste of time.

During my listening, something stuck out, I asked her what is her goal in life, and she answered “To be happy.” I know that can mean anything and I could have had her be more specific but I felt it wasn't needed. I mean we all want to be happy, it's probably the most common goal we all share. And before I can dig any further, the food arrived.
Why do women eat like food is poison and if you take it slow, it lowers the risk of death? Here I am eating as I normally would, not to fast as to seem like a pig, and not to slow as to seem if the food isn't up to par. I'm like the Goldielocks of eating. And she just sits and takes her time, smh.

After dinner we decided to go for a walk, the walk and talk can be very tricky you really have to be careful what you say during these twilight strolls, one minute you can be gingerly walking and the next arguing and the middle of the park all the while people and nocturnal animals stop and stare. I began tell her how I was a clutz as young boy. I fell off a garage, off my bike, off a tree and walked into one resulting in a big knot and an even bigger disappointing look on my fathers face.

She began to tell me how she always wanted to be a dancer. “My mom, said she could feel me dancing while I was in her belly, and as I got older it was the only thing that relieved any stress I was feeling at the time. But when I hit high school I realized that I enjoyed just dancing and to turn it into a career, might take some of that enjoyment away.”

She went on to tell me other details about her such as her very first baby doll to her first time she fell in love. No matter what she talked about, I hung every word it was like... I don't know what it was like, but I know you do, and you know words wouldn't do it any justice. After what seemed like hours, we headed toward our cars. I walked her to hers, and gave her a kiss on the cheek, a hug and told her good night.

As I watched her pull out of the parking lot, a sense of dread came over me. I began to wonder if she had a good time, how did I come off? I just sat there, in my car replaying the date as if it was game film.

“Ok you see when she asked about your mother, you came off soft, she probably thinks your weak! And look at you walking through the park, what are you scared of? You should of held her hand!”

As I was about to hit the showers, my phone ranged. I looked down and it was my good friend asking how the date went. I masked my disappointment, and told him it was ok, he in turn suggested for the umpteenth to hook me up with his girlfriend's friend. Who on our first date suggested we get married and had our kids named picked out! As I try to explain to him how I like to know more than just a woman's last name before marriage, Luv calls. I tell my friend goodnight, and click over.

“I hope I'm not bothering, Luv says, after mutual salutations. It's just I'm laying here in bed and you were on my mind. I really had a good time tonight.”

There it was! Confirmation, that dumbbell my heart was trying to lift just became lighter. Of course I told her that tonight was great, and we should see each other again. As I lay my head on my pillow I began to think of a plethora of topic conversations. I didn't want to get off the phone I didn't care how late it was. So we began to talk about everything, and I mean everything:
    Little things you may not know about Luv...

  • Fav. Cartoon Character: Winnie the Pooh

  • Fav. Movie: The Notebook

  • Fav. Song: “Can You Handle It" -Usher

  • Most embarrassing Moment: First period was during her confirmation

  • Last Relationship Ended because “He said, He Could Do Better.”

Here I am thinking... Not only was this guy a fool, but he's also a liar. (To Be Continued)

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